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Writer's pictureAmbrose of Milan

Wash the footsteps of my soul

Lord Jesus, you will to wash our feet, as you said to Peter — and to all the faithful — “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me” (John 13:8).

Come then, Lord Jesus. Clothe us with your mercy and your everlasting life. Pour water into the basin, and wash not only our feet but also our head. And not only the body, but also the footsteps of my soul.

I want to put off all the filth of my frailty.

As a servant, you washed the feet of your disciples. As God, you send dew from heaven. And not only do you wash the feet, but you also invite us to sit down with you, and you exhort us by saying,

“You call me ‘Teacher,’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet” (John 13:13–14).

So I want to wash the feet of my brothers and sisters. I want to fulfill your command. I will not be ashamed nor disdain what you did first. This is the mystery of humility: while washing away the dirt of others, so is my own washed away. Amen.



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