New? We’re glad you’re here!
We believe Jesus Christ is for everyone and for you,
so that means we’re a Church for everyone and for you.
But we understand visiting a new community for the first time can be daunting,
so we pray this page helps you plan your first visit.
About us
Sunday worship services
Every Sunday we hold worship services at 7:30am and 9:30am. The 7:30am service has a responsive spoken order with piano or organ; the 9:30am service has a spoken order with band music. Each service is about 1 hour long. Families are welcome at either service, but a lot of our families like to attend the 9:30am service.
Children are welcome at all our worship services! Because we’re for everyone, we want children to worship with their families — children are invited to stay with their families through most of the service. We don’t mind if there’s some noise, in fact we think this is a sign of a healthy church! If you really need some quiet space with young ones, we have a family room with closed circuit TV, allowing you to see and hear everything. Most weeks at our 9:30am service, primary school aged children are invited to a special time in the “Kave” under our Worship Centre during the sermon (a short Bible talk).

Why do we gather to worship?
We worship God
the Father
We believe that God the Father, together with the Son and Spirit, created and sustains everything that exists, including the earth and our bodies. So we gather to thank and praise God the Father as our amazing Creator and Sustainer.
We worship God
the Son, Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who — through his death on the cross and resurrection — forgives, rescues, heals, and makes us whole. So we gather to receive these good gifts of forgiveness of sin, salvation, healing, and wholeness.
We believe that God is Spirit, who strengthens us by his Word to trust. (“Spirit” means “breath” — you receive someone’s breath when they speak their word). So we gather to hear and receive God’s Word, and be strengthened to trust him and serve those around us.
As a Lutheran Church, what we believe is summarised in the Augsburg Confession (1530). You can read an introductory guide, or the full statement.
Our Staff Team
Everyone plays a vital role on the Immanuel Church Team,
but we have some paid staff to help us as we walk through life together.

Dan Mueller
Lead Pastor

Suzanne Volejnikova-Wenger
Office Coordinator

Doug Fitzpatrick
Missional Formation Pastor

Stephen Muller
Safe Church Coordinator

Stefan Volejnik
Youth & Families Coordinator
Visiting our Worship Centre
Access via 126 Wises Road, Immanuel Lutheran College
Our Worship Centre is co-located with Immanuel Lutheran College. The best way to access our site is by car. We are conventiently located near the Sunshine Motorway, Maroochy Blvd exit (on the border of Buderim and Maroochydore). Turn at 126 Wises Road onto Paveways Drive, then continue left at the roundabout onto Forest Drive, and follow the road up the hill and around to the main car park (see map below).
Note: LifePointe Baptist Church is currently also worshipping on the College grounds at the Stadium — LfePointe parking is right at the roundabout, Immanuel parking is left at the roundabout!
Car parking
You can park anywhere there is a free spot, including the green “Drop and Go” parks and the lower car parks in the College.
Wheelchair access
We have a ramp from our main car park to the Worship Centre for easy wheelchair access.
Hearing Loop
We provide a Hearing Loop solution for those who are hearing impaired.

Contact details
Forest Drive
(via 126 Wises Road, Immanuel College)
Buderim QLD 4556
Office contact
Office Opening Hours
9am – 3pm
11am – 3pm
9am – 3pm
7:30am – 11:30am