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What is Odology?



  1. The study of roads or paths

Many would describe life as a race or a journey, and so does Jesus. We believe we are called to walk alongside Him and each other as part of this journey, and so we study the road so we might know it and Him deeply.

Odology is a monthly worship space at Immanuel Lutheran Church, running every 2nd Sunday of the month. Through shared meals, musical worship and time discussing scripture, we hope to see Jesus' love all around us.

When is it?

Date - Every 2nd Sunday of the month.

Time - 5pm Dinner, 6pm Worship

  • 13 Oct 2024, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
    Buderim, Forest Dr, Buderim QLD 4556, Australia
    “Odology” is the study of roads. You’re invited to a bring-and-share meal at 5pm, with worship from 6pm. Run by young people, for everyone.
Bring & Share Meal

Jesus ate with everyone, no matter where they came from or who they were. Join us for a bring & share meal and get to know those around you.


We love spending time in musical worship! The Holy Spirit guides us as we sing together. Join us as we follow where the it leads.

God speaks to us through His Word. Each night we want to discover what the Bible has to offer us in many different ways.


Q: Who can come to Odology?

A: Everyone! Odology is led by young people and for everyone. As our Immanuel Values say: 'Generations grow deeper together.'

Q: How does dinner work?

A: We all contribute to the meal by bringing some food or dessert to share! If it's difficult to bring something, that's no matter, you are welcome to come and share. We have enough for everyone.

Q: I'm not sure about this whole faith thing, can I come?

A: Yes! While we have a focus on deep worship and discussions, there is something for everyone to get from each night, we'd love to have you along.

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