What are your plans for 2023? What do you hope for this year? Do you have any dreams?
Just like an individual person, Immanuel Church also has some plans, hopes, and dreams for 2023. To share these, the church leadership team has put together a Church Plan, as well as a Church Calendar. Listen to Pastor Dan explain the plan.
Throughout this year, we’ll be guided by some simple focus words: “pray,” “connect,” and “build mission heat.” All our scheduled events link to one or more of these focus words.

In addition, rather than setting a New Year’s resolution to “Read the whole Bible in one year,” we’re going to do the opposite: our collective New Year’s resolution will be to read one Bible verse for the whole year! We’ll return again and again to Luke 24:32. I encourage you to read and pray this verse daily, to really let the Word of God dwell richly in you. Read the surrounding context. Read the whole Gospel of Luke. Read and pray about hearts, fire, “the Way,” Scripture, and being opened. To help you soak in this one Bible verse, you can grab a bookmark or fridge magnet from the Worship Centre foyer. We even have wallpapers for your desktop computer and mobile phone!
We pray that this year your hearts might burn with the good news of Jesus Christ who is for everyone, and for you.
Download the Church Plan & Calendar here:
Grab your bookmark or fridge magnet from the Worship Centre foyer.
Download wallpapers here: